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About Me

Hi, I'm Gavyn! 

Born and raised on the west coast of Canada in a little town called Squamish. Living amongst the mountains in one of Canada's outdoor recreation meccas imparts some degree of reverence and symbiosis with nature. The ebbs and flows of the seasons encourages resilience in light of change, and perhaps a little stubbornness. 


For the past five years I have lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The best way to describe Winnipeg is as a really big, small town that is bitterly cold with the warmest people. Four of the past five years have been taken up by my undergraduate studies in International Development at Canadian Mennonite University. The most recent sixteen months of time spent living in Winnipeg has been dedicated to getting out, and making coffee at a place called Fools and Horses. 

Inspired by the video series created by a gentleman named Iohan Gueorguiev, I have spent the last year planning my own cycling adventure. Beginning on September 5th, 2017, I will be setting off to cycle my way through parts of Eurasia.


I wouldn't list blogging among my gifts or aptitudes, but since I will have to send my incredibly supportive parents email updates from the road anyways, I might as well make them publicly available for everyone to see. 

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